CompSys Steering Committee
Dr. Paola Grosso is an Associate Professor with the UvA. She leads the Multi Scale Networked Systems group (MSN) and is the Director of the Graduate School of Informatics (GSI). She is a computer scientist with a passion for everything networking. Her research focuses on emerging architectures that can support the operations of the future Internet and, in particular, on the delivery of secure and sustainable network services across multiple domains, and on device programmability and virtualization. Her research tackles new questions that emerge from studying the interplay of these novel capabilities. Fernando A. Kuipers is a full professor and head of the Lab on Internet Science at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). In 2004, he obtained his Ph.D. degree cum laude, the highest possible distinction at TU Delft. His research focus is on network optimization, network resilience, Quality of Service, and Quality of Experience and addresses problems in Software-Defined Networking, Tactile Internet, Internet-of-Things, and critical infrastructures. His work on these subjects include numerous distinguished papers. Fernando Kuipers is senior member of the IEEE, was a visiting scholar at Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (in 2009) and Columbia University in the City of New York (in 2016), is member of the ACM SIGCOMM executive committee, and is Vice-Chair of the IFIP Working Group 6.2 on Network and Internetwork Architectures. He co-founded the Do IoT fieldlab and PowerWeb and is part of the board of the TU Delft Safety & Security institute. Ana Lucia Varbanescu is a professor at University of Twente, The Netherlands. She obtained her BSc and MSc from POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania, and a PhD from Delft University of Technology. In 2012, she received a prestigious STW VENI grant (NSF CAREER equivalent); in 2013, she was awarded a prestigious MacGillavry fellowship at University of Amsterdam. She is an active participant in the ASCI doctoral school, ICT.Open, and ICT with Industry. From 2007 till 2014, she was a visiting researcher at IBM T.J.Watson (USA), NVIDIA (USA), BSC (Spain), and Imperial College of London (UK). Her research interests include high performance computing, heterogeneous and accelerated computing, parallel programming, performance analysis and prediction, and big data analytics. Alexandru Iosup is a full professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), a high-quality research university in the Netherlands. He is the tenured chair of the Massivizing Computer Systems research group at the VU and visiting researcher at TU Delft. He is also elected chair of the SPEC-RG Cloud Group and selected member of various prestigious steering committees. His work in distributed systems and ecosystems, with applications in cloud computing, big data, scientific and business-critical computing, and online gaming, has received prestigious recognition, including membership in the (Young) Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands, the Netherlands ICT Researcher of the Year award, an University Research Chair at the VU, and a PhD from TU Delft. His leadership and innovation in education led to various awards, including the prestigious Netherlands Higher-Education Teacher of the Year. He has received a knighthood for cultural and scientific merits. Contact Alexandru at or @AIosup, or visit