
The full program is available below. All final paper prints and presentations are available in the SurfDrive link sent to registered participants.

Monday Paper/activity Presenter(s) Author(s)
12:45 - Welcome and opening remarks Animesh Trivedi
13:00 Keynote Ultrafast magnetism and Brain-inspired approaches for Green ICT Theo Rasing
14:00 Break
14:15 Paper presentation Rocket: Efficient and Scalable All-Pairs Computations on Heterogeneous Platforms Stijn Heldens, Pieter Hijma, Ben van Werkhoven, Jason Maassen, Henri Bal and Rob van Nieuwpoort
14:25 Paper presentation Clownfish: Edge and Cloud Symbiosis for Video Stream Analytics Vinod Nigade, Lin Wang and Henri Bal
14:35 Paper presentation OpenDC 2.0: Convenient Modeling and Simulation of Emerging Technology in Cloud Datacenters Fabian Mastenbroek, Georgios Andreadis, Soufiane Jounaid, Wenchen Lai, Jacob Burley, Jaro Bosch, Erwin van Eyk, Laurens Versluis, Vincent van Beek and Alexandru Iosup
14:45 Paper presentation Profiling and discriminating of containerized ML applications in Digital Data Marketplaces (DDM) Lu Zhang, Reginald Cushing, Ralph Koning, Cees De Laat and Paola Grosso
14:55 Paper presentation DDLBench: Towards a Scalable Benchmarking Infrastructure for Distributed Deep Learning Matthijs Jansen, Valeriu Codreanu and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
15:05 Work-in-progress presentation A Memory-Centric Partitioning Scheme for Large-Scale Pipeline-Parallel DNN Training Henk Dreuning, Rob van Nieuwpoort and Henri Bal
15:15 Break
15:30 Paper presentation Practical Byzantine Reliable Broadcast on Partially Connected Networks Silvia Bonomi, Jérémie Decouchant, Giovanni Farina, Vincent Rahli and Sebastien Tixeuil
15:40 Paper presentation MATCH: A Decentralized Middleware for Fair Matchmaking In Peer-to-Peer Markets Martijn de Vos, Georgy Ishmaev and Johan Pouwelse
15:50 Paper presentation ZCSD: a Computational Storage Device over Zoned Namespaces SSDs Corne Lukken, Giulia Frascaria and Animesh Trivedi
16:00 Break
16:10 Panel Discussion The Present and Future of Computer and Network Systems in the Netherlands Alexandru Iosup, Paola Grosso, Kees De Laat, Lydia Chen, with Animesh Trivedi
17:00 Break
17:15 Work-in-progress presentation Energy Harvesting for Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Workloads Nick Breed, Quincy Bakker and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
17:25 Work-in-progress presentation A Case for a Programmable Edge Storage Middleware Giulia Frascaria, Animesh Trivedi and Lin Wang
17:35 Paper presentation EPI Framework: Approach for traffic redirection through containerised network functions Jamila Alsayed Kassem, Onno Valkering, Adam Belloum and Paola Grosso
17:45 - Break
18:00 Social Activity CompSys PubQuiz Evening
Tuesday Paper/activity Presenter(s) Author(s)
12:45 - Welcome and opening remarks Animesh Trivedi
13:00 Keynote Automated Verification of Parallel Nested DFS with the VerCors verifier Marieke Huisman
14:00 Break
14:15 Paper presentation Zero-Cost, Arrow-Enabled Data Interface for Apache Spark Sebastiaan Alvarez Rodriguez and Alex Uta
14:25 Paper presentation Dyconits: Scaling Minecraft-like Services through Dynamically Managed Inconsistency Jesse Donkervliet, Jim Cuijpers and Alexandru Iosup
14:35 Work-in-progress presentation Porting VexCL kernels on Xilinx FPGAs Tristan Laan and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
14:45 Work-in-progress presentation Exploring the scaling performance of Hemocell: a framework for blood flow simulations Jelle van Dijk, Max van der Kolk, Gábor Závodszky and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
14:55 Paper presentation ParPBM: A Novel Parallel Position Based Click Model Pooya Khandel, Ilya Markov and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
15:05 Paper presentation Credit Scoring Prediction using Graph Features Lorena Poenaru-Olaru, Judith Redi, Arthur Hovanesyan and Huijuan Wang
15:15 Break
15:30 Panel Discussion CompSys'21 Ask Us Anything session Suzan Bayhan, Bala Chandrasekaran, Dick Epema, Paola Grosso, with Animesh Trivedi
16:15 Break
16:30 Paper presentation Evaluation of Container Overlays for Secure Data Sharing Sara Shakeri, Lourens Veen and Paola Grosso
16:40 Paper presentation How Lightning’s Routing Diminishes its Anonymity Satwik Prabhu Kumble, Dick Epema and Stefanie Roos
16:50 Work-in-progress presentation Periscope: Censorship-Resistant Off-Chain Traffic Tunneling Emiel de Smidt and Stefanie Roos
17:00 Paper presentation GradeML: Towards Holistic Performance Analysis for Machine Learning Workflows Tim Hegeman, Matthijs Jansen, Alexandru Iosup and Animesh Trivedi
17:10 Work-in-progress presentation Using AI to Speed-up Strongly Connected Components Calculation Dante Niewenhuis and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
17:20 Work-in-progress presentation The Cost of AlphaZero: the Hive Case Danilo de Goede, Duncan Kampert and Ana-Lucia Varbanescu
17:30 Concluding remarks Animesh Trivedi
17:45 - Social evening - the online rooms will remain open